Posts Tagged ‘bbq’

Costco Signateur Grill Review

Signateur Grill

After our most recent purchase we decided we just have to give you a Costco Signateur Grill review. The Signateur 5-Burner barbecue grill is by far the best one we’ve ever owned. We’ve gone the route of the cheap Home Depot barbecue before and as usual, it rusted and fell apart after a year or […]

Costco BBQ Beef Brisket Sandwich Nutrition Facts and Calories

bbq beef brisket wrapper

Many of you may be wondering how many calories there are in the delectable BBQ beef brisket sandwich found in the food court of Costco. The good news is that it’s less than the Turkey and Provolone sandwich, the Carne Asada bake, and the Chicken Bake. The beef brisket sandwich has 710 calories in it. […]

Costco BBQ Beef Brisket Sandwich Locations

BBQ Beef Brisket Location Map

These Costco locations are confirmed to have the new BBQ beef brisket sandwich in their food courts: California Burbank, CA Citrus Heights, CA Concord, CA Danville, CA Gilroy, CA Huntington Beach, CA Laguna Niguel, CA (Cabot Rd.) Merced, CA Sacramento, CA Georgia Dunwoody, GA Hawaii Honolulu, HI (Iwilei) Kailua-Kona, HI Illinois Bloomingdale, IL Lake in […]

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