Costco Christmas Trees 2012

Costco artificial pre-lit Flip Christmas tree

It’s that time of year again and Costco’s selection of 2012 Christmas trees is top notch. There are artificial Christmas trees that are pre-lit, as well as fresh cut Christmas trees sold in some Costco parking lots. As you can see in my 2011 review of my Costco artificial Christmas tree, I really like their trees. They are very easy to set up, look gorgeous, and are well priced. Meanwhile, the fresh trees are usually the best price in town and the best looking, if you can get one before they’re gone. Check out my post on the fresh cut trees for more information.

There are four different artificial trees sold at Costco this year. They are as follows:

7.5′ Pre-lit LED Artificial Christmas Tree $249 (Item #634274)

  • 1000 Constant ON LED lights
  • On/Off foot pedal
  • Three part easy setup
  • Comes with metal tree stand
  • Evergreen

7.5′ Pre-lit LED Artificial Color Choice Christmas Tree $279 (Item #648308)

  • 700 Color Choice LED lights
  • On/Off foot pedal
  • Three part easy setup
  • Comes with metal tree stand
  • Evergreen
Costco Flip Pre-Lit Artificial Christmas Tree

Costco Flip Pre-Lit Artificial Christmas Tree

7.5′ Pre-lit Artificial Flip Christmas Tree $329 (Item #660693)

  • 1000 Constant ON lights
  • Folds easy for storage, comes with storage bag
  • Comes with wheels for easy transport
  • Wheel base acts as stand as well

9′ Pre-lit LED Artificial Christmas Tree $349 (Item #634276)

  • 1250 Constant ON LED lights
  • On/Off foot pedal
  • Four part easy setup
  • Comes with metal tree stand
  • Evergreen

The color choice tree is very interesting. In fact, I’ve never seen a tree like it before. The lights can change from white to colored with a switch, and you can also have it alternate every second or so, which I could imagine would be very annoying in a living room. One difference between 2012’s trees and 2011’s is that these trees are LED, whereas last year’s wasn’t. Also, last year they had a 9.5′, whereas this year it’s 9′. I believe last year’s trees were Colorado Spruce, whereas this year’s is Evergreen. You can see what the trees look like in my videos below.

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3 Responses to “Costco Christmas Trees 2012”

  1. […] my 2012 Costco Christmas Tree update […]

  2. Veraly says:

    For the second year in a row I have missed on the 9′ artificial christmas tree — any idea when they make them available on line?

  3. Gina says:

    Hi, what is the difference between the first 7.5 tree you listed with 1000 lights for 249 & the flip tree? What does flip mean? Thank you!

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