Gel Blaster Nova 2-Pack: Affordable Outdoor Fun for All

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We recently got our hands on the Gel Blaster Nova 2-pack from Costco, and it has turned out to be a fantastic addition to our outdoor activities. As a family that values quality time together, this product has become a go-to option during our gatherings and events. Thanks to Gel Blaster for sending us a sample to test out the product!

Setting up the Gel Blaster Nova was a breeze, and we’ve been delighted by its powerful performance, long battery life, and day-to-night playability. The two-pack includes both blue and red Gel Blaster Nova blasters, complete with LED spotlights, adjustable barrels, charging cables, and essential safety gear. This family-friendly package provides everything needed for a seamless and enjoyable experience.

One of the standout features is the inclusion of 60,000 eco-friendly Gellets, which are 99% water and environmentally conscious. These Gellets explode and dissolve on impact, offering a safe and eco-friendly alternative for outdoor play. We appreciate the added environmental consideration in the design.

Gel Blaster And Portal

Gel Blaster And Portal Kit

The Gel Blaster Nova’s versatility is another plus. With both single and full auto modes, the blasters cater to various play styles, adding an extra layer of excitement to our games. The generous supply of 800 pre-hydrated gellets right out of the box ensures that we can dive into the action immediately, and the extra 60,000 gellets provide an ample reserve for extended play.

In conclusion, the Gel Blaster Nova 2-pack from Costco has elevated our outdoor gatherings to a new level of excitement. If you’re seeking an affordable and eco-friendly outdoor activity suitable for the whole family, this 2-pack is worth considering. It offers powerful performance, long-lasting fun, and the convenience of a family-friendly blaster pack.

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