Bibigo Beef Mandu Review

Bibigo Beef Bulgogi Mandu

If you’re a fan of fast, healthy, and delicious Korean food, then Bibigo’s Beef Bulgogi Mandu are for you. You’ve seen many of their products on Costco shelves, and we were really excited to review them for you. Thanks to Bibigo for providing the product as well!

Bibigo’s Beef Mandu are high in protein with 15g per serving! They also have a higher filling and thinner wrap ratio, with 73% filling in each piece!

We were impressed with how easily and quickly they cooked. With a little oil, simply stick them in a pan to fry them, turning every so often. In just 8 minutes, they are hot, they have a nice crispy coating, and they are ready to eat!

With a larger percentage of meat and vegetables in each piece than other brands on Costco shelves, these are actually filling. They have a hearty beef flavor, with other textures like the vegetables. In fact, they cut the meat and veggies into larger chunks than other brands, allowing you to really feel the texture.

You can actually see and taste the ingredients inside, which attributes to the way Bibigo has intentionally made a healthy and fast alternative to takeout! And even better, you can actually pronounce each ingredient on their nutrition label, which means less processed foods and more wholesome goodness you can feel good about eating! With each bite you can taste the onion, beef, cabbage, garlic, and soy sauce flavor. Even better, they deliver an authentic Korean bulgogi flavor by grilling the meat on an open fire to create the smoky flavor that people love from BBQ!

Bibigo Beef Mandu Nutrition Facts

Bibigo Beef Mandu Nutrition Facts

For just $13.99 you get 3 lbs. of these Beef Mandu. There are 10 servings in each bag, which means you’re paying less than $1.50 for a small dinner, delicious appetizer, or quick lunch. Mandu is also very versatile — great for soup, salad, stir-fry, and more! We love the way Costco has partnered with Bibigo yet again to make affordable and delicious meals so accessible! They are exclusively at Costco stores, in all regions across the US.

And we aren’t the only ones who are loving this product. Costco members are saying the same things about these Mandu: “Tasty!” “Great price for all that you get!” “Hearty, filling, and delicious” and “You can taste the vegetables and great beef flavor in each bite”.

Even parents are talking about this product saying, “I can quickly cook these up for my kids. Whether for an entire meal or a snack throughout the day, I feel good knowing they are getting such a great source of protein. And even as picky eaters, they love the flavor!”

By storing a few packages of Beef Bulgogi Mandu in your freezer you’ll always be ready for a quick, delicious meal.

It can often seem like eating healthy and budgeting don’t go together. But with the amazing price Costco has placed on these Beef Mandu, it’s possible! Take advantage of this great price and keep your healthy lifestyle on track.

These Beef Bulgogi Mandu from Bibigo will now be living in our freezer. It is such a great product to keep on hand for last minute company, kids and their friends, or for an easy meal throughout the week. We know you’ll love them too!

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